class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Creating Dashboards ] .author[ ### Dr Thiyanga S. Talagala ] .author[ ### ] --- class: center, inverse, middle # What were the challenges that you faced when planning the dashboard? --- class: center, inverse, middle # Essential tips and considerations --- ## 1. Your audience and use cases - Who is going to use your dashboard? - For what purposes will they use your dashboard? - Do not use user specific-tabs --- ## 2. Decide on the goals What information will the user/ users be looking at? --- ## 3. Display information clearly and effectively ## 4. Communicate information quickly Your dashboard should be, - simple, - easy to understand, - easy to read, - helpful without increasing **cognitive load**. --- ## 5. Select an appropriate color theme ## 6. Clear and consistent naming conventions ## 7. Effectively use the space --- ## 8. Use the right type of visualization **What do you want to show?** - Composition - Comparison - Distributions - Relationships **Types of visualizations** - Static - Dynamic - Interactive --- ## Static <img src="lecture2_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-1-1.png" width="100%" /> --- ## Interactive
--- ## Dynamic <img src="lecture2_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-3-1.gif" width="100%" /> --- ## 9. Use interactive filters - Chart zoom - Drill-through - Drill-downs - Click-to-filters - Cross tabs --- ## 10. Optimize for multiple screens - Desktop - Mobile, etc. --- class: center, inverse # Let's create a dashboard Packages library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) library(scemantic.dashboard) library(flexdashboard)